Tuesday, March 19, 2019

EXP1 sketchup model progress 3

With the model, I've decided to change the landscape of the design to make the workshops stand out and interact in a more interesting context. I am tossing up between having the lower workshop burrowed into a hillside or sticking out over a cliff, but I'm yet to make a decision.

I've added some shape to the lower workshop through the use of a curvy elongated concrete encasing, which has a width which makes the mini workshops stick out from the main curve. However, this design would not work very well in a hillside as the pod workshops wouldn't even be able to be seen. 

I've tried some more bold geometry in the main exhibition space using some contrast between the intricate and the bold, trying to open the bold shape up to make the two spaces connect while also creating a sheltered space for discussion and interaction between clients. 

I do have a worry that the bold shape in the exhibition area neglects the space behind it, however I did also believe that spaces outside of the main exhibition can act as private conversation areas. 

View down to exhibition area

Potential landscape

As far as stair development is concerned, the intricate staircase has not had much development as I believe that it suits the building. However, I have changed the ground that the stair comes down onto. I have done so by making the ground an organic shape to suit the overall appeal of the workshop and stair.

For the bold model, I have changed the function of the stair rather than the stair itself. The stair is now integrated into the building by weaving in and out of the building and connecting mini workshops together. I believe this makes the stair an integral part of the building and more appropriate brings people and motorcycles up to the exhibition area. I also made a small change in that the stair continues outside of the building and loops around to the exhibition platform that the motorcycles are shown upon.

Intricate staircase before and after:

bold staircase before and after:

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