Saturday, March 23, 2019

Hero shots and detail shots

Attached are the hero and detail shot for my EXP1 submission.

The first photo is the hero shot and the second photo is the detail shot.

This hero shot pictures the intricate Bernabei Freeman workshop facing towards the main exhibition area. This angle allows the workshop to look almost angelic with the winged helical staircases coming down to the datum space. Parts of the workshops carved roof and sides are also viewable, which frame the sky similar to the way that Bernabei Freeman lamp shades frame light from within. Beam supports below the building allow it to remain realistic and emphasise the curvaceous and visually appealing staircase. Also pictured is the bold overhanging structure which has been angled such that the workshop is pictured against the sky without interferance.

This detailed shot shows the main Auto Fabrica staircase within the main shell of the building, with mini workshops located just outside the large glass panels. The night time shot was used to show texture on the concrete steps but also to showcase the lit workshops which are all integrated into the grand scheme through the central staircase. Ramps weave between the outside and inside building, giving them a quasi-interior presence. In the background, relief is provided from a purely concrete scheme through the use of vegetation. Reflections off the large glass panels also allow for a glossy aesthetic that is found in Auto Fabricas products.

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